The oncoming holidays make one think about how to lighten everything up. The focus lies mostly on one’s inner self, but the truth is that you can’t improve your well-being without lights. In the damp and cold season, the holidays represent our goals. They are a means through which we cope with the many events […]
Roof to Deck Decoration
Thomas Edison, Christmas Lights and an American Tradition
Americans value the Christmas season. Before, people would use candles to light their places and the Christmas tree. But open flame is not exactly safe, so the need for a safer source of illumination emerged. Did you know that Thomas Edison actually invented the first electric Christmas light display? Far from his reputation of impressing the crowd […]
Can Christmas Lights Complement Your 4th of July and Labor Day Celebrations?
Each and every year we celebrate the 4th of July and Labor Day as Americans. We come together to celebrate our great nation and take pride in our freedoms – freedoms that have been granted to us through the blood, sweat, tears, and lives of many before us. We know freedom is not free. As […]
Christmas Lighting Service Donation
Diane Ahrens Crisis Residence located in St.Paul was the recipient of Christmas Lights on their two buildings. Diane Ahrens Crisis Residence provides a safe, supportive environment for crisis stabilization and promoting personal responsibility for Ramsey County and East Metro County residents with mental illness. Also, some residents have chemical dependency issues. The site consists of two weathered Victorian […]
Animated Lighting For Your Holiday Display
If you frequent the video site YouTube, chances are you have seen a clip or two of stunning animated holiday lighting displays. Here is one YouTube video that is currently online for you to view. While animated lighting can be used for elaborate displays like the one in this clip, they certainly do not have to be. […]
Decorative Outdoor Lighting: Not Just For The Winter Holidays Anymore
Using decorative outdoor lighting to adorn your home is not just related to the winter holidays. Lighting can be an attractive accent any time of year. Consider the following possible uses: * Designs for other major holidays, such as Halloween, Valentine’s Day or St. Patrick’s Day * Accenting an outdoor seating area with delicate white […]